
Showing posts from September, 2019

Week beginning 23rd September 2019

Year 6 have returned to school after an incredible week at Derbyshire where the children demonstrated how well-mannered and enthusiastic they are. Adults and students alike thoroughly enjoyed themselves. This week in class, as well as writing about the experiences we shared in Derbyshire, we have been using chromatography to investigate pigments used in felt-tip pens. In maths we have begun to learn the formal column method for multiplying up to 4 digits by 2 digits. The children have demonstrated excellent resilience as well as reflecting on and correcting their own learning.  Children have also been creating expressionist pictures of their own - based on The Scream by Edvard Munch. The task was to show a chosen emotion within a self-portrait.

Week beginning 9th September 2019

What a wonderful start to the year the children have had! We are extremely impressed with the role models they are becoming. We began our topic, Gallery Rebels, by researching famous pictures by artists of the 19th and 20th century and creating picture commentaries of these. This week, we have learnt about the colour wheel; primary, secondary, tertiary, complementary and harmonious colours and the artist Paul Klee. We have used his works as inspiration and applied our newly acquired knowledge to create our own artwork. The children demonstrated excellent focus when painting these. In Maths, we have been extending our knowledge of place value into the ten millions! We were experts at comparing and ordering these numbers and many of us have mastered rounding - demonstrating superb resilience and problem solving. In English, we have been looking at our whole school text - Grendel: A Cautionary Tale about Chocolate. The children have use this to help them create their own cautionary ...