Revision time

Year 6 have had a busy week completing practice papers. We have been delighted with the progress the children have made since October. All of the children have shown a really positive attitude this week and have wanted to show us all the new things they have learnt over the last few months. We will be sharing this information with the children over the next few weeks.

We are preparing to start our revision for the SATs and in the next couple of weeks there will be some slight timetable changes. We will prepare the children for this.
We are also planning to run after-school booster sessions for some children. If your child has been selected to take part in these sessions, a letter will be coming home next week.

Several parents have asked if there are any revision guides they can use at home. The photos below show a couple of examples. They are good for short bursts of revision. You can get books focussing on subject guidance and also practise questions. The books cover reading, SPAG, writing and maths. The 'Rising Stars' books cover two levels of ability- 'PLUS' means the content is aimed at more able children. We will also be using the 'Rising Stars' guides in school but it does not matter if you use them at home too. They cost around £5.
We will also continue to send home weekly spellings, and a maths and reading activity too.

We will be inviting parents to a meeting later on in the term to talk through the SATS week.
As we head towards a busy time for our year 6 children, it is important to keep anxiety to a minimum. If you feel your child is showing signs of anxiety or you would like further support, please contact the office to make an appointment with either Mrs Penton or Miss Savory.


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