
Showing posts from 2020


Thank you to everyone who attending the picnic on Friday - it was fantastic to see you all together after so long. The school will be in touch shortly sharing photos from the occasion and the video of your leavers' song. We wish you an enjoyable summer and look forward to our reunion BBQ on Thursday 27th August, before you start your high school adventure. In the meantime, should you be look for something to do, here are some optional games and activities to have a go at.   NRICH Maths Games: ·          Connect Three ·          Strategy games: play all four and work out how their strategies are linked o    Noughts and Crosses o    Online o    Fifteen o    Jam ·       ...

6th July home learning

Welcome the final week of home learning! This week there are English and maths lessons as usual and a selection of afternoon lessons. There are only 4 English lessons this week, to give you time to practise the song and to get ready to join us on Friday at noon (see below). However, there is an optional writing task: to enter a writing competition, run by the UEA, which can be completed any time up to 26th July (see the afternoon activities, below, for more detail). You are all invited to join us in school on Friday and 12 noon, for a year 6 picnic and sing-song. You’ll need to bring your own picnic (it’s advisable to bring your own hand sanitizer as well), and come directly to the playground, without going through the school. You’ll have time to eat your picnic, along with the other year 6 children then we’ll all sing the song we’ve been learning. High HighHopes by Panic at the disco - all at a social distance, of course. We hope to see you all there. Please do get in tou...