6th July home learning

Welcome the final week of home learning!

This week there are English and maths lessons as usual and a selection of afternoon lessons. There are only 4 English lessons this week, to give you time to practise the song and to get ready to join us on Friday at noon (see below). However, there is an optional writing task: to enter a writing competition, run by the UEA, which can be completed any time up to 26th July (see the afternoon activities, below, for more detail).

You are all invited to join us in school on Friday and 12 noon, for a year 6 picnic and sing-song. You’ll need to bring your own picnic (it’s advisable to bring your own hand sanitizer as well), and come directly to the playground, without going through the school. You’ll have time to eat your picnic, along with the other year 6 children then we’ll all sing the song we’ve been learning. High HighHopes by Panic at the disco - all at a social distance, of course. We hope to see you all there.

Please do get in touch to let us know how you are getting on this week, or with any questions or problems about the learning. This week please contact on this email: Snowleopard@mulbartonprimary.norfolk.sch.uk

Monday 6th July
Maths: vertical and opposite angles
Fluent in five: complete as many as you can in five minutes, then check the answers.

Introductory video             activity sheet              answers
English: spelling, grammar and handwriting
Hand writing:
Practise writing this sentence until you are happy that it is neat enough:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Can you make any more sentences that include all the letters of the alphabet?
Spelling 1: practise spelling these words correctly by writing each one into a sentence that makes good sense; you may need to check the definition first.
triumph      epilogue     intent   
Spelling 2: choose words (at least 3) from the year 5&6 word list that you find difficult to spell – personally. Use your preferred method to practise them.  
(This will help with the quiz later in the week!)
Sentence work: How many interesting verbs can you find to replace ran, in this sentence? (Make a list.)
She was so excited by the events that she ran up the stairs.

Tuesday 7th July
Maths: angles in a triangle – missing angles
Fluent in five: complete as many as you can in five minutes, then check the answers.

Introductory video             activity sheet              answers
English: Can I predict what will happen in a story?
The next chapter in The Adventures of Odysseus only tells the story from directly after the competition ends to a few hours later. What do you think will happen in this chapter?
Try to predict using 5 to 8 bullet points. Spend a little time thinking about what each character might do next. Remember: the suitors are all dead. Odysseus, Penelope, Tiresias and Eurycleia survive.
Now listen to the chapter The Olive Tree and hear how accurate your prediction was.
Now listen to the final part of the story epilogue.

Wednesday 8th July
Maths: angles in special quadrilaterals
Fluent in five: complete as many as you can in five minutes, then check the answers.

Introductory video             activity sheet              answers
English: Can I summarise an information text?
Can I comment on the author’s intent in a text?

Use this link and follow the reading lesson. You only need to complete the first and second activities. Activity 3 is the extension task – optional.

This lesson was submitted by BBC Bitesize last Friday – so will have the wrong date. We are using it as today’s reading lesson, as I think you will enjoy the text about The Extraordinary Life of Katherine Johnson – an important person in the history of space travel.

Thursday 9th July
Maths: angles in regular polygons
Fluent in five: complete as many as you can in five minutes, then check the answers.

Introductory video             activity sheet              answers
English: Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Quiz
You will need a pen/pencil and paper. When you are ready, click here to hear the Spellings. You can listen as many times as you need to.
Now have a look at the Quiz, which has the spelling answers on the third slide. Once you’ve checked your spelling and given yourself a score, continue with the grammar and punctuation part of the quiz. Good luck!

Friday 10th July
Maths: creating with triangles
Fluent in five: complete as many as you can in five minutes, then check the answers

Try to make this origami horse (all you need is a square of paper). Some children in school tried it last week and found it quite a challenge. You may need to watch the video more than once and to pause it as you go. Have fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuU6EyL5BGA
As an alternative try the turtle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbUI7lqO5t0

Afternoon lessons
History: What did the Ancient Greeks introduce that we still use today?
List the things that are still in use today that were introduced by the Ancient Greeks. You might like to research this topic further or just use the information in the video.
Which of these do you think is the most important? Write a paragraph to explain why. Which do you think is least important? Write a paragraph to explain why.

Other interesting information about tings introduced by the Ancient Greeks:
SRE: What makes a healthy relationship?
draw or write what you think a healthy relationship looks like.  It doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship; relationships with friends or family members are still relationships. 

Now write or draw what you think an unhealthy relationship might be like.
Now go through this presentation which contains a link to a video about relationships as well as information about where to look for further information.
Science: Can I research and present information about an Ancient Greek scientist?
Click here for a link to the lesson: 


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