New term, new topic

This week, in Year 6, as scientists, we have been learning about the heart and our circulatory system. We had Ms Taylor’s sister, a nurse, come into to share some facts about the heart and answer our questions. We asked our parents about our blood type, we found out how many people had A+, B- etc and then we created pie charts to show this. As writers, we have been exploring poetry about the heart and feelings. We wrote our own poems about blood and from the viewpoint of the heart. Mulbarton Primary School is celebrating having a school on this site for 50 years. To celebrate this, we designed what our school might look like in 50 years time. Also to celebrate our schools 50th anniversary we are having a 70s themed day where we are dressing up as people from the 70s; we are looking forward to seeing you at the school disco.