Arctic story-tellers!

In English this week, we have continued to read The Call of the Wild and have found out about Buck’s new life in the Arctic and have met his arch-nemesis, Spitz. We’ve been learning all about the character of Buck and have also completed some descriptive writing about the Arctic-setting. In Maths, we have been talking about fractions, and have learnt how to simplify fractions and to convert fractions so that their denominators are the same. This will allow us to easily compare fractions with different denominators and to add and subtract them as well.

In topic lessons, we have been looking at different pictures of the Arctic and drawing conclusions based upon those pictures. For example, looking at a picture of some Inuits, we were able to deduce that they are hunters and that they use spears.

This week and last week, many of the year 6s have been helping out on the playground, accepting donations for poppies. They have taken this responsibility seriously, and should be congratulated. Next week, our prefects will start their duties, supporting the adults around the school!

Finally, we are very proud of all the children who took part in the cross-country running competition this week. Here are some photos:


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