Week beginning 1st April

Most mornings (and one afternoon) this week were taken up with practise SATS tests and the children have responded incredibly well. On Monday afternoon, they had a SPaG and spelling test and on Tuesday morning they had a reading test followed by Maths Paper 1. We gave them a rest on Wednesday and finished off on Thursday with Maths Papers 2 and 3. 

On Tuesday afternoon, the children took part in a lovely science investigation based on Darwin's observations of the Galapagos finches. The children used a variety of implements (such as tweezers, tongs and pliers) to pick up a variety of seeds and observed which implements were most suited to the task. This investigation was linked to adaptation and the survival of the fittest. 

In English, the children have been working hard at writing their stories, based on the novel 'Journey to the River Sea'. Whilst some of the children have finished their stories, some have chosen to finish these off at home over Easter. It's lovely to see them so enthusiastic about their writing!

Those of you who were at the SATS briefing on Wednesday evening will know that we have sent the children home with 'Easter home learning packs'. These packs contain daily reading, writing and maths activities for those children who would like to do them during the holidays. There is no necessity to do them and the work does not need to be handed in at the beginning of next term. The answers are all included in the packs so that children or parents can mark the work. 

And that just leaves me to wish you all a happy and peaceful Easter break.

Best wishes. 

Mrs Penton. 


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