SATs Week
This week in year 6, we have been sitting our SATs tests. On Monday we had SPaG Paper 1 (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and Paper 2 (a 20-word spelling test). Tuesday was the 1-hour Reading test. There were 3 pieces of text: The Park, The Bumblebee Fact File and The Music box. We had maths paper 1 and 2 on Wednesday, which were arithmetic and reasoning paper 1 and - on Thursday - it was the 2nd maths reasoning paper.  The whole class agreed that the tests were easier than expected due to hard work and commitment they have put in during the weeks and months before. 

VE Day Celebration
Look out for an invitation to our VE day celebration, which will be on 19th June. This will be a 'bring a plate' community party - just as it would have been in 1940. We anticipate having lots of guests and would like to request that - if you have any old bed sheets which would be suitable for use as a table cloth - please could we have/borrow them?

Goodnight Mr Tom - the movieOn Friday morning, the children watched Goodnight Mister Tom, which is a movie about an evacuee during WWII. This was a treat for finishing SATs and the children seemed to really enjoy the film - and the popcorn! It has also given them lots of ideas to include in the story they are currently writing. 
This week's spelling homework:
Many of the children are still finding it difficult to spell homphones (words which sound the same but which are spelled differently) and so we have included them in our spellings again this week. Please could you find the time to help your child to learn these important words by encouraging them to write a sentence so that they understand the context for each. Here are this week's spellings. 

there (prep)
their (pronoun)
they’re (pronoun+verb)
of (prep)
off (prep)
where (prep)
were (verb)
wear (verb)
effect (noun)
affect (verb)
weak (adj)
week (noun)
pair (noun)
pear (noun)
hear (verb)
here (prep)
stare (verb)
stair (noun)
sealing (verb)
ceiling (noun)
stationary (adv)
stationery (noun)
practice (noun)
practise (verb)
sole (noun)
soul (noun)
steal (verb)
steel (noun)
leak (noun)
leek (noun)


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