Week beginning 3rd June 2019

During Maths this week, the children have been carrying out investigations about Number and have been using their mathematical knowledge to solve problems.

In English, we have begun planning and writing newspaper articles about an event in WWII. There are no RED spelling words for this half term so the children have looked through all of the words which have been sent home this year and have selected some which they are not fully confident in spelling. These lists have been sent home with the children this week.

In topic, we have begun planning and making items for our VE Day party on 19th June (1:30pm until 3pm). The children are making all manner of things to give our party the 1940s feel.

I'm sure that you will have already seen the invitation which your child has made but - in case you haven't - please note that you are all invited to this celebration of the end of our topic. We are hoping that the party will have the same kind of 'community feel' as the parties which were held at the end of the war, with members of the community coming together to celebrate and bringing some food to share. If you're feeling creative, maybe you could bring something which would be eaten during WWII (I have threatened to make tapioca!) but - if not - just bring along anything to put on the table and share. We will have music playing and may even have a bit of a boogie.

We hope that you can make it!

Mrs Penton and Miss Savory


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