Week beginning 2nd December 2019

Santa's arrival in school marked the start of December this week. We enjoyed writing letters to him explaining our good deeds this year; the special item we hope to receive and our goals for the new year.

This week, we have also produced exceptional pieces of writing linked to 'Journey to the River Sea'. We produced incredible descriptions of the fire (in which Maia found herself trapped in at the end of Chapter 18) and wrote our own narrative pieces of what could happen to her and the Carters next.

As mathematicians, we have concluded our work on fractions and have begun to think about decimals and the value of each digit in numbers up to 3 decimal places.

In Computing, we have gathered images of our ancestors in preparation to create a morphing animation of the evolution of humans next week.

As scientists, we have been focusing on inheritance. On Tuesday, we learnt about DNA and extracted this from strawberries.

On Wednesday, we explored Gregor Mendel's and Charles Darwin's theories of inheritance, how they differ and related them to our own families.

We hope to see you at the Christmas Fayre this evening, where we will be performing 'Awake Arise Good Christians' at 6:45pm.


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