It's been another lovely week in Snow Leopards and the children have finished writing their stories. In ICT, we practised our keyboard and presentation skills by typing these stories up. The children have used the features of Spell Check to edit their work and the thesaurus to help them to find alternative words. Next week, we will be starting our new topic, Hola Mexico, and our class reader - Holes by Louis Sachar. 

In maths, we have finished our unit on adding and subtracting fractions and are having a 'fraction break' for a week before returning to multiplying and dividing fractions. In this intervening week, we are learning about Geometry - specifically, position and direction. 

Once again, we have exciting plans for our new topic and are currently planning a 'Wow' event which will take place early on in the Spring term. 

Mrs Penton and Miss Savory


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