Thank you to everyone who was able to come to the reading cafe last Friday. This was a real success and the children enjoyed creating works of art, which will soon be on show in the upper school library.
In maths this week, we have continued with our work with fractions and the children have been doing number line work as well as adding and subtracting fractions.
In English, the children have planned a story based in the Antarctic, with an animal as the main character. During this piece of writing, we are focussing on speech punctuation and using a variety of clauses in our writing.
In science, the children are creating food chains and food webs, based on animals which live in one of the polar regions.
Finally, please keep an eye out for a letter which will be coming home in the next couple of weeks, inviting you to our end of term carol service on Tuesday 18th December at 9:45am.


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