Week ending 15th February 2019

The children have worked so hard in their revision groups this week and we have been working on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. The children finished off this unit by applying their understanding of fractions to solving word problems.
In English, we have introduced our new book - Journey to the River Sea - and the children have been finding lots of facts about the Amazon river and the Brazilian rainforest to help them engage with this story and the characters within it. The red spelling words have been sent out for next half term so please look out for these in the children's bags. If you could display these at home and encourage your children to learn them, that would be really useful.
We have begun looking at Hinduism in RE, which involved the children re-telling a Hindu story.
As scientists, we collected specimens of flora and fauna from the common and made detailed scientific sketches based on Charles Darwin's work.


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