Well it's all change in Year 6 with our revision groups starting at the beginning of the week. The children are really enjoying these sessions and have adapted quickly to the changes. We are getting some lovely feedback from the, particularly about the maths booster groups.

In English, we are in the final week of writing based on our book 'Holes' by Louis Sachar. The children are currently in the middle of composing a balanced argument based on a story line within this book and are producing some lovely pieces of writing.

As our topic - Hola Mexico - draws to a close, we have been finishing off the science work about light. The children have been involved in plentyof practical investigations as part of this work and have shown that they have learned a great deal.

Next week, we begin our new topic called 'Darwin's Delights' and will be basing our English work around the book 'Journey to the River Sea' by Eva Ibbotson.


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