Week beginning 30th September 2019

This week in Year 6, we have begun to look at a new text in English. We introduced 'The Lady of Shalott' by Alfred Lord Tennyson by looking at artists' illustrations of the poem and inferring what it might be about - the children were excellent at spotting and interpreting hidden symbols and clues! We have been very proud of how they have tackled this challenging text and how they were able to use the old-fashioned vocabulary when creating their own story maps of the tale. We ended the week thinking about how the Lady of Shalott might feel seeing the outside world through and mirror and shall be using the ideas generated from this session in our work next week.

In Maths, we have been looking at division. We worked collaboratively to practise our method for dividing by 1-digit numbers to complete a treasure hunt around the library.

We then moved onto dividing by 2-digits, which the children have taken in their stride! They demonstrated excellent focus and resilience when mastering this.

In Topic, we have been looking at the piece 'Starry Night' by Vincent Van Gogh. We discussed his techniques and use of harmonious and complimentary colours. Feeling inspired, we then created our pictures of Parisian architecture using different materials.

Hopefully, you have received an invitation from your child to come to our Gallery Exhibition on Wednesday 16th October at 2:30pm. We hope to see lots of you there!


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