works of art

In English: this week in class the children have carried on studying The Lady of Shalott. We've looked at other narrative poetry - some more modern than others - and learnt some difficult vocabulary. The children have been preparing to write their own narrative poetry and have been writing from the perspective of a character within the narrative. So far children have really engaged in this English topic and have risen to the challenge interpreting difficult texts.

In topic: the children have also been creating their own works of art, this week, inspired by their recent investigations of different art movements, artists and artworks. You should have received and invitation to our year 6 art exhibition on Wednesday 16th October at 2:30pm. Please come along and talk to the artists about their work if you can make it.

Work in progress!

As mathematicians: we have been recalling prime numbers, making sure that we can find common factors and consolidating other number facts as well as times tables facts. The children have been given their own login details for a website to help them learn times tables. This is a valuable resource that we are trialing in the school and can support your child's learning. They will have limited amounts of time to use this site in school - in very short bursts - but can also access it at home.

Home learning: supporting children to complete their home learning tasks can be difficult as they will have been shown particular methods in class (especially in maths). I'd like to recommend using the school calculations policy (on the school website: under school info; policies) it outlines, clearly and briefly, how the children are taught in class. Our most recent calculations learning was short division and column multiplication. There is also a very useful website: (somewhat misnamed in my opinion!) that goes through all the calculations step by step and can support children who may have forgotten the exact details of what they learnt in class. I hope this is useful.

Please could you make sure that if you haven't yet returned the permission form for the trip to Banham Zoo after half-term, you do so early this week.

Some of next week will be spent assessing children's learning, to inform our teaching and help us tailor the learning to each child's needs.


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