27-31 Blog What Yr 6 have been doing this week!
This week, Yr 6 have started revision groups for our S.A.T.s tests in May.
In science we have been working with electrical circuits in groups.We have been investigating the source of light from graphite.
We decided to make it a fair test by shutting all the blinds and turning off all the lights.

In P.E we did silent dancing with chairs pretending to wait for a train. We turned it into a dance routine with a beat of 4 and 8.
We enjoyed the all the lessons so far this week.👍
We decided to make it a fair test by shutting all the blinds and turning off all the lights.
In P.E we did silent dancing with chairs pretending to wait for a train. We turned it into a dance routine with a beat of 4 and 8.
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