Secret Agent Snow Leopards...sssshhh!

This half term, we have started a new topic called 'Tomorrow's World'. We came into the classroom on Monday to find a briefcase from MI6. Inside, there were clues and evidence to help us find the culprit of a crime that had happened in our school - someone had eaten ALL of the biscuits!!!
We cracked a code; searched for secret messages and investigated fingerprints which lead us to a package (guarded by lasers). We discovered that it was Miss Shipp who was guilty of this crime.

In English, we planned and wrote our letters of application to MI6 to persuade them to give us the job of a secret agent. We explained our reasons why we think we would be a super spy, using lists including semi-colons, commas and colons.

As readers, we have started exploring a new book in which the main character - Alex Rider - is trying to find about his uncle's mysterious death.

As scientists, we made periscopes: we did this by using a cardboard box and putting mirrors inside so that the light would reflect off of them. A periscope enables spies to see around corners.

In Maths, we have been looking at the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages (FDP). We have used our skills to convert between them and order them.


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