It's Spring!!! look for signs

Hello all nature watchers!

Signs of spring are already here. Why not spend some of your time at home, looking for changes in nature in your garden or from your window?
Sit quietly and look at all the birds flying over your home or visiting your garden. Can you identify them? How often do they visit or fly over? What do you notice about their behaviour? Are some birds bolder than others? Do some birds visit certain parts of your garden? What are they doing? Look to see if some birds are repeating the same journey - this may mean they are making a nest somewhere close by. How does the weather affect the behaviour of the birds? If you put food out for the birds, which food do they prefer and why? You may wish to keep a little nature notebook and record what you observe. Collect a 'Garden List'. when we return to school, we can compare our lists and find out how many different species of bird have visited our gardens.
If you can get out in the garden, take a closer look. Can you identify the different insects and invertebrates living in your garden. What are they doing? 
Look at all the plants, bushes and trees. Which ones are coming into bud and flower? How long does it take for the leaves to fully unfurl? How long are the flowers lasting for? Which insects are visiting the flowers? Do certain insects visit certain flowers?

Why not keep a little sketchbook? Spend time looking really closely at the nature around you and draw what you see. 

Our chiff chaffs have returned at school! Listen out for them in your garden. They will be very busy singing at the moment. They have travelled all the way from South Africa to spend the summer with us. They are very small, olive green birds. When they sing, they sing their name: chiff-chaff, chiff-chaff. 

You may wish to go onto You Tube. Chris Packham (the presenter of Springwatch) is keeping a daily blog. Keep an eye out for Iolo Williams too, (another presenter from Springwatch).


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