Home learning 22nd June to 26th June 2020

Welcome to another week of home learning.

The song chosen for year 6 to sing at the end of term is: High Hopes by Panic at the Disco. Here is a link to the lyrics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH_OnJk6QqU
Please listen to it as much as you can and begin to practise singing it.

This week's lessons are all here with links to everything you need. Please let me know if you have problems with any of the learning. Also, please share some of the work you have done this week either on Padlet or by emailing your teacher.

Monday 22nd June
Maths: Area and perimeter
Fluent in five: complete as many as you can in 5 minutes, then check your answers

Video introduction video introduction                 
   Activity sheet                                 answers
Extension challenge: Dicey perimeter
English: Spelling and Handwriting
1. Red Words: soldier sincere signature.
Find out what these words mean and write a definition in your own words. Use these words to practise your handwriting
2. confusing pairs: which of these words are verbs and which are nouns? How can you tell?
advice     advise     device     devise     licence     license     practice    practise  
Use a dictionary to help you understand the difference between the pairs of words and their meanings. Can you spot any spelling patterns that help you know whether a word is a verb or a noun?  answer
3. Speed writing: Use the red words and the confusing pairs, to write a silly story (or a sensible one if you prefer). Include as many of the target words as you can whilst writing for 10 minutes (without stopping!). Then spend a few minutes making sure it makes sense and that you used the correct spellings (from the above lists).
Extra challenge: try finding more pairs of words that have the same spelling pattern as these.

Tuesday 23rd June
Maths: Area of Triangles
Fluent in five: complete as many as you can in 5 minutes, then check your answers


Video introduction                     Activity sheet                                 answers

English: Torment and Trial
Remember, in the last chapter, Circe told Odysseus what he and his crew would have to endure to get home. He did not tell his crew.
Listen to the next chapter: Torment and Trial.
As you listen, think about the two dangers, the Scylla (six-headed dragon) and the Charybdis (the whirlpool). What did they look like? Which was worse? Why? 
Did you notice the personification?
Using whatever art materials you have at home, make pictures of both the Scylla and the Charybis. Label your pictures to show what happened in the story.
Did Odysseus make the right choice when he directed his crew to go close to the Scylla?

Wednesday 24th June
Maths: Area of Parallelograms
Fluent in five: complete as many as you can in 5 minutes, then check your answers


Video introduction                     Activity sheet                                 answers
 Extension challenge: reasoning problems            reasoning answers
English: Advice for Odysseus
Listen again to Torment and Trial
Did Odysseus do the right thing in not telling his crew what they were about to face?
Should he have sacrificed his men or should he have warned them of the danger they faced?
Should they have been given their own choice to decide on the danger? You may want to listen to the previous chapter again: The Song of the Spheres, where Circe tells Odysseus what will happen.
Write a letter to Odysseus, advising him about what he should have done. He may need advice on what to do now – after he has lost 6 men in an horrific way. You may think he did everything just as he should have done, in which case you might like to congratulate him in your letter.
Please write at least 3 paragraphs, in the format of a formal letter to Odysseus.
(Example letter, in case you need to refer to it for how to write a letter.)

Thursday 25th June
Maths: Volume of Cuboids
Fluent in five: complete as many as you can in 5 minutes, then check your answers.


Video introduction                     Activity sheet                                 answers
 Extension challenge: extra problem          answer
English: Summary
Listen to the next 2 chapters. You need to choose one of them to write a summary of.

Remember, a summary only tells the key information from a piece of text. Imagine somebody asked you to explain the chapter: the person doesn’t want to hear every detail (She/he could listen to the chapter herself/himself for that.); the person does need all the key information though, to understand what is happening.
How will you remember enough detail to write a summary?
Use these resources to help you think about how to summarise
Summary poster               writing frame

Shipwrecked            Ithica

Friday 26th June
Maths: Solve Problems and Find Patterns
Fluent in five: complete as many as you can in 5 minutes, then check your answers.

Have a look at the problem then use the questions here to help you get started:
You could use cubes or counters for pebbles, with squared paper.
Can you make a rectangle with just one more pebble? Two more? Three more ...?
Have you checked that each rectangle is double the size of the last one?
How are you recording what you have done?
English: Father and Son
Click here for Some information about where this story - the Adventures of Odysseus -  comes from:

Listen to the next chapter: Father and Son

Think about how Odysseus would have felt – not being able to reveal himself to his own son. When he did reveal himself, he began to tell the story of his 10 years away. Make a list of the things he would have told his son and of the things he would have not told his son. Why do you think he would have made these choices in summarizing his story?
You may well need these resources for some of the tasks this week:

Dictionary/ thesaurus: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/

This maths glossary may also be useful: https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/at-school/education-glossary/maths-education-glossary-a-l/

Afternoon lessons:
SRE: how will puberty affect us?
Please work your way through all the slides. It is important that we all learn about how puberty will affect both males and females.
History: What can we find out about Alexander the Great?
Watch this introductory video
Here is a biography for more detail about him. Make some notes about his life and his main achievements, as well as anything else you think is interesting about him.
These are a bit less serious, but still true – about Alexander the Great:
Horrible histories clip
Horrible Histories song
Activity: Choose what you think were his greatest achievements. Choose what you think is most interesting about him. If a statue of Alexander the Great were being erected, what do you think should be the wording on the plaque – to explain who he was and what he did? Write the plaque. It can be a few sentences or as long as a page.

PSHE: (Transition skills) reading maps and timetables.
Here are copies of a site map and a timetable from Hethersett Academy. If you have already received these from the school you are going to next term, then you could use those instead. If not, please use these ones – skills you will be learning are transferable to any similar map and timetable.
Have a good look at the site map first. You may be able to work out what some of the rooms are. What do you think MFL means? What about ENG or SCI? check here.
Now have a look at the timetable. The 3 letter codes are the initials of the teachers. 7 means year 7. Use the map to help you find some of the rooms on the timetable.
Activity: find your way around. If you have somebody that you are home learning with you could challenge each other to find your way around the school.

Our Solar System?
In ancient Greece, most people believed that the Earth was flat! We've come a long way in our understanding of our planet and our solar system since then.  Earth was flat. We have come a very long way in our understanding of the Earth since then. This eek in class children are completing a task that the home learners have Follow this link to choose what you want to study: anything to do with our solar system and astronomy. You have a chance to build on learning you did in year 5.


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