Home learning 29th June to 3rd July

Welcome to another week of home learning. As well as the usual daily maths and English, there is music (singing practice), Sex and Relationships education, history, a fun run (in place of sports day) and a video to help with transition.

Have fun learning this week and do keep in touch. I enjoy seeing examples of your work and am here if you need help.

Monday 29th June

Maths: Introducing Ratio
Fluent in five: complete as many as you can in 5 minutes, then check your answers

Video introduction                     Activity sheet                                 answers
English: Spelling practice and the next chapter
Now listen to the next chapter of the story “Father and Son

Tuesday 30th June
Maths: Calculating Ratio
Fluent in five: complete as many as you can in 5 minutes, then check your answers
Video introduction                     Activity sheet                                 answers

English: The story continues towards the dramatic ending.
 Listen to the next chapter in the story: “The Beggar”. Make notes about how Odysseus might feel at this point in the story, in particular:
        How he felt on returning home after all his misfortunes to find only more misfortunes
        Not being able to return to his house immediately
        The dangers that his family had faced while he had been away
Use accurate vocabulary (don’t forget you can use a thesaurus) to describe his feelings.
Now listen to the next chapter: “Setting the Trap”.

Jot down the main points of this chapter to help you understand, ready for tomorrow’s lesson.

Wednesday 1st July
Maths: Using Scale Factors
Fluent in five: complete as many as you can in 5 minutes, then check your answers

 video introduction               Activity sheet                                 answers
English: preparing to write a newspaper report.
Now listen to “Springing the Trap”. You will need to take notes about what happens in this chapter, in order to write a newspaper report about the event.

 This is an ancient Greek axe head.

Once you’ve listened have a look at this presentation about how to write a newspaper report. You might like to go back to your notes and add more once you’ve thought about it.

Thursday 2nd July
Maths: Ratio and proportion problems
Fluent in five: complete as many as you can in 5 minutes, then check your answers

 video introduction                   Activity sheet                                 answers

English: planning a newspaper report.
First have a look at this checklist for writing newspaper reports.
Now read this example report – how many of the features on the checklist can you spot in the example report?
Using: your notes about “Springing the Trap”; the checklist of features of a newspaper report and this planning grid – make a plan for your own newspaper report about what happened in the Springing the Trap chapter of the story.

Friday 26th June
Maths: Factors and multiples game
Fluent in five: complete as many as you can in 5 minutes, then check your answers

This is a game you can play interactively or on paper:
English: Writing a newspaper report
Here is an example of what the first 2 paragraphs of the newspaper report might look like. You can use this example and continue the report if you want to; you can write it completely independently or you can use the example and change it a bit.
Write your full newspaper report about the events in “Springing the Trap”. You could include some pictures, with captions.
Here are some spellings of names to help you:
Eurycleia, Laertes, Odysseus, Penelope, Tiresias, Antinous.

Afternoon lessons
In place of one of your lessons this week, please practise singing the class song daily!
High Hopes by Panic at the Disco. Here is a link to the lyrics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH_OnJk6QqU
History: Can I describe similarities and differences from the past and give reasons for some of these, using the sources to make inferences?
1. Have a think about what school is like in the 2000s in England (if you can remember!). Who goes to school? What music do we do? What equipment do we have? How are children treated?
2. Now have a look at the information about school in Ancient Greek times. Make lists of things that are the same and things that are different.
3. choose some of these pictures to focus on. You could print them and cut out the ones you are using or just look at them and write about them. Answer these questions about each of the pictures you have chosen:
1.     Say what is happening in this picture. 
2.     How is this image different to what would happen in a modern school? 
3.     What else does this tell you about the Ancient Greeks?  
SRE: How are human babies made?
 Work your way through the presentation about where babies come from and how they are created. Ideally you should have an adult at home that you feel comfortable discussing this information with. If not, you can email questions to your teacher.

These videos might also help answer any questions you have:
Transition. Some videos, by year 7 children, answering the questions that questions that year 6 children asked will appear here soon! 
 A day in the life of a year 7 student     video: your questions answered   video2  a different view.
PE: Rainbow run: run (or walk, jog, hop, jump………) in a suitable place, as far as you think you can, dressed in the most colourful clothes you can find! Across Norfolk, children are taking part in a Rainbow Run. Mulbarton Primary pupils will do this on Friday 3rd July. Please join in and send us photos if you can.

Dictionary/ thesaurus: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/


  1. Its rihanna I've read through with my dad and I understand the process of conception. What do I need to do now should I write a paragraph explaining the process


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