Back to school....or learning at least!

Good morning everyone,

Welcome back to online learning! We hope you enjoyed a relaxed Easter break.

Your adults should receive an email today, explaining exactly what home learning should take place this week. You will need to complete: 1 maths and 1 English lesson each day; 1 science lesson per week and 2 other topic lessons per week. We will share all the activities here on the blog and may update some of the activities as the week goes on (so don't forget to keep checking).

As well as this you need to remember to read daily, practise times tables regularly and get in at least 2 PE sessions per week. There are some links at the bottom of this post to help with those.

Here are the lessons for this week:

Daily Maths activities: 
Please complete Summer Term – Week 1 (w/c 20th April) on White Rose Maths Hub’s Home Learning page, found here: 

This week will be based on the Geometry aspect of the Year 6 National curriculum, focusing on angles. Each lesson should take between 30-45 minutes. 
If you would like an additional challenge: 
Based on your understanding of angles, parallel lines and of triangles, work out as many of the missing angles as possible on this shape. 

For English activities click this link:  weekly English lessons

Day 1 is a reading task: reading text       answers

Day 2 is a grammar task: modal verbs revision

Day 3 and 4 are writing Please use this link and scroll down to the video called: Treasure

Day 5 will follow later in the week!

Science activity – approximately 30 minutes: 
Take your family’s fingerprints. Use the video  showing the different fingerprint categories to help classify each print and find out which print type each family member has. Display the results on a bar or pie chart. 

2 Topic activities – approximately 45 minutes each: 
Before schools closed, we launched our topic for this half term, ‘ID’, which focuses on learning about what makes you…you! 
This week, we would like you to complete the following tasks: 
  1. 1. Gather data about physical features of people in your family, such as gender, foot size, height, hand       span, arm span, middle digit length and distance from wrist to elbow. Record this information in a table or on a spreadsheet 
Look for patterns and relationships among the measurements. Work out how your height compares with their foot length or arm span. 
Note: ‘The Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci shows what he believed were the perfect human body proportions. Do your measurements agree with his drawings? 

2. Create a 3-D version of your own thumbprint by cutting and layering card (perhaps from leftover Easter egg boxes!). Start with a basic thumb shape and gradually add layers of card, cutting carefully to form the contours of the whorls, loops or arches. 

Don't forget to reply to the email sent to your adults from your teacher. Also, we'd love to see some of the work you are doing - either by email (to your teacher) or upload to padlet to share with year 6 adults and students. Equally, if you have any problems with accessing or understanding this learning please email your teacher.

Useful links to other activities:

For times tables practice:
For reading:
For handwriting practice: instructions For using Letterjoin at home letterjoin home use
For PE:
Across the curriculum:


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