1st June - welcome back to a new half term

Welcome back to all of you who are learning from home. I hope you have enjoyed a relaxed week enjoying the sunshine. We’ll ease in gently with some revision for the first lessons of this week. Please complete as much as you can of everything and don’t forget to show me some examples of your work (via email or on Padlet ). As Miss Argyle is in school teaching this week, could everyone use my class email to contact us both. Jaguars@mulbartonprimary.norfolk.sch.uk You may well need these resources for some of the tasks this week: Grammar glossary: https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/at-school/education-glossary/grammar-literacy-glossary-a-c/ Dictionary/ thesaurus: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/ This maths glossary may also be useful: https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/at-school/education-glossary/maths-education-glossary-a-l/ Here are the lessons for this week. Please contact me with any difficulties or comments. Enjoy! Ms Taylor PS: don't forget to carry on reading and pra...