home learning 18th May to 22nd May
Welcome to the final week of home learning for this
half term. We hope learning at home has been successful, manageable and
enjoyable! Let us know via email how you have found it.
This week's athletic challenge
And some more challenges from Norwich City FC
This week's athletic challenge
And some more challenges from Norwich City FC
Daily Maths &
English Tasks
Monday 18th May
White Rose Maths Hub: Summer Term – Week 5 (w/c 18th May)
Lesson 1 – Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000.
Find the video tutorial
here: https://vimeo.com/418156588
Extension: ‘To multiply by 10 just add a zero’ –
always, sometimes or never true? Explain your reasoning with examples.
The first 4 lessons this week will support you in writing a really
outstanding letter to a health-care professional. Please make sure you do all
four in sequence, then the reading task on Friday. If you need practice with
your handwriting, then please do it before Thursday – as you will be writing
a real letter!
Lesson 1. Figurative language: hyperbole, metaphor and simile. There are 3 videos to remind you about these types
of figurative language. Please watch all 3. There are 3 activities to practice
using these skills. Please complete activities 1 and 2. Activity 3 is the
Extension task.
White Rose Maths Hub: Summer Term – Week 5 (w/c 18th May)
Lesson 2 – Multiply decimals by integers
Find the video tutorial
here: https://vimeo.com/418156804
Extension: Play ‘Nature Calls’ on Education City.
Lesson 2. Semi-colons and colons
White Rose Maths Hub: Summer Term – Week 5 (w/c 18th May)
Lesson 3 – Divide decimals by integers
Find the video tutorial
here: https://vimeo.com/418156950
Lesson 3. Draft letter: you
can choose to write your letter to somebody you know who works in healthcare,
to somebody you know who works in another vital service (for example:
postman/postwoman; somebody who works in a food shop; people who empty the
bins…..), or you could write it to all the staff at a hospital or care home.
You need to watch the videos and work through activity 1. Activity 2 is to write the letter. Activity 3 is optional - it is to help you edit your own writing. |
White Rose Maths Hub: Summer Term – Week 5 (w/c 18th May)
Lesson 4 – Decimals as fractions
Find the video tutorial
here: https://vimeo.com/418157153
Lesson 4. Writing the final letter. (Please post it if you can!) Your spelling task this week is to
make sure that there are:
no homophone mistakes in your letter
no mistakes with spelling patterns you have learnt
in year 6
Apply the decimals
knowledge you have practised this week to help correct the answers this
pupil has given.
Lesson 5. Reading comprehension – A Pocket Full of Stars by Aisha Bushby
In the 2nd extract of this reading session the main character is called to go to hospital and is very worried about her Mum. If you think this will be too upsetting for you (because of any personal experience) then you could go to active learn and choose a book to read from Bug Club instead - do the comprehension task for the book you read. |
Organism means living
thing (including plants). Animals are a type of organism and
humans are a type of animal.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRidGna-V4E Watch this video: an introduction to
classification of animals; you may already know some of the information, but
it will help with the task.
Have you ever
played a game of “Guess Who?” Branching databases are a bit like that!
Have a look at this presentation about branching databases. It shows you one
way in which scientists classify things (You may need to go back and look at
some of it a second time to fully understand it.)
Make your own
branching database to classify some organisms of your choice. You will need to know
a little bit about the organisms you choose. (Perhaps you could research some unusual
ones to give yourself a challenge.) You need to choose which questions to ask
to classify the organisms you choose. Choose only 4 organism to make the
task easy or up to 10 to make it more challenging.
Extra challenge:
Now make a branching database of your family! You can include as many family
members as you like (they don’t have to be at your house). Make your
classifying questions as interesting as you like – you could even have some
fun with this!
Make a design board for an ideal space in which you would love to
spend time. Cut out and stick magazine images or copy, paste and format
images sourced from the web, of the designs, furniture, technology and
gadgets you would choose to decorate your own space.
Think about:
The colours and patterns you would like around you.
Your style and taste: how would your ideal space
reflect your personality?
How would you spend your time there?
How would the space make you feel?
Monday 18th May would have been our school’s sports day.
Create your own sports day events/activities/competitions at home. Share the
details of these on our padlet page: https://padlet.com/cargyle/y6homelearning
Don't forget to reply to the email sent to your adults
from your teacher. Also, we'd love to see some of the work you are doing –
either by email (to your teacher) or upload to padlet https://padlet.com/cargyle/y6homelearning to
share with year 6 adults and students. Equally, if you have any problems with
accessing or understanding this learning please email your teacher.
Helpful links:
Grammar glossary: https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/at-school/education-glossary/grammar-literacy-glossary-a-c/
On overview of
spelling in year 5&6: https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/english/primary-spelling/spelling-year-6-age-10-11
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