1st June - welcome back to a new half term
Welcome back to
all of you who are learning from home. I hope you have enjoyed a relaxed week
enjoying the sunshine. We’ll ease in gently with some revision for the first
lessons of this week. Please complete as much as you can of everything and
don’t forget to show me some examples of your work (via email or on Padlet).
As Miss Argyle is
in school teaching this week, could everyone use my class email to contact us
both. Jaguars@mulbartonprimary.norfolk.sch.uk
You may well need
these resources for some of the tasks this week:
Grammar glossary: https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/at-school/education-glossary/grammar-literacy-glossary-a-c/
This maths
glossary may also be useful: https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/at-school/education-glossary/maths-education-glossary-a-l/
Here are the
lessons for this week. Please contact me with any difficulties or comments.
Ms Taylor
PS: don't forget to carry on reading and practising times tables daily.
PS: don't forget to carry on reading and practising times tables daily.
Monday: spelling & handwriting.
1. Homophone – ever
wondered where the word comes from?
Etymology. "Homophone" derives from the Greek homo-
(ὁμο‑), "same", and phōnḗ (φωνή), "voice, utterance”. So in
ancient Greek it means “same sound”.
How many words can you find in a dictionary
(paper or online) that have the prefix -homo or the suffix – phone? Explore
their etymology (history of meaning). Make a list of all the words you found.
And write them into sentences that make good sense.
2. Red Words for this week
Yacht, Vehicle, Vegetable
Write definitions of words
and use them in a sentence. Practise your handwriting using these words. Include them as often as possible
throughout this week.
3. Make up a short poem or limerick about
either: a yacht, a vehicle or a vegetable. Here are some examples that might
help. Limericks
Monday: Equivalent fractions revision.
Fluent in 5 – time
yourself (allow 5 minutes to complete as much as you can).
53 02 –
4 =
80 + 2003
36 x 9 =
160 ÷ 4
Here is an
example that I created:
Now find as many equivalent fractions as you can for:
Bronze: 8/10
4/12 5/20
Silver: 2/20 2/12
Gold: 3/27 2/12
8/10 and calculate the decimal equivalent for each!
Extension task: can you write all of your fractions as
For extra challenge see the bottom of the page!
Tuesday: Word classes revision.
1. First have a go at the
quick quiz. Quiz answers
2. Next there are a few
games you could play to help revise word class. Choose at least 1 of them.
(Some are online games and some are instructions to play on paper.)
Consequences (2 or more
Words against the clock (1
player or more)
3. Watch this short video https://www.literacyshed.com/bubbles.html. Choose a small part of it and describe
what is happening (2 to 3 paragraphs at least). Use your imagination to help
you write about what you see. Underline all the determiners you used.
Tuesday: recognising and finding FDP equivalence.
Fluent in 5 – time
yourself (allow 5 minutes to complete as much as you can).
15 082 +
4 968 =
30 – 45
5 x 8 x
2 =
136 ÷ 8
How many
minutes are in an hour?
Challenge: Write the related facts for each
Main lesson: click the link to see the video which
will explain today’s learning.
Now have a go at the
activities: activity sheet answers
For extra challenge see the bottom of the page!
Wednesday: The Adventures of Odysseus.
Our new class book is The Adventures of Odysseus by Hugh
Lupton and Daniel Morden. Listen
to the first part – the Prologue. While you are listening: jot down any words
that you don’t know the meaning of; Make a list of Greek gods and Goddesses that are mentioned.
(You can listen to it more than once.)
Make a quick mind map of everything
you already know about Greek Mythology.
Maths Wednesday: Ordering FDP
Fluent in 5 – time
yourself (allow 5 minutes to complete as much as you can).
3 + 8 +
23 =
13 068 –
4 431 =
136 x 9
320 ÷ 4
Main lesson: click the link to see the video which
will explain today’s learning.
Now have a go at the activity sheet here are the answers
For extra challenge see the bottom of the page! |
Thursday: Chapter 1 – character profile.
Main task: Who is Odysseus?
Chapter 1 The Stranger
Thursday: calculating percentages of amounts.
Fluent in 5 – time
yourself (allow 5 minutes to complete as much as you can).
5.9 +
2.48 =
4 500 –
199 =
12 x 12
2100 ÷
30 =
Challenge: Solve the inverse calculation to
check your answers.
Main lesson: click the link to see the video which
will explain today’s learning.
Now have a go at the activity sheet here are the answers
For extra challenge see the bottom of the page! |
Friday: write a letter in character
Write a letter, as if you
were Odysseus. Decide whether you will write to your wife Penelope or your
son Telemachus. The purpose of
your letter is to explain the decision to go to war. Pretend you are on the
ship that has just left your family behind – at the beginning of your
journey. (You may need to listen to the Epilogue and beginning of chapter 1
again.) Use this piece of writing to remind yourself of all your writing
skills. I would love to see your finished letters. (In class the children
will be using these as an assessment – to review all writing skills!)
These questions are to help you think about what you will write:
How would you feel about
going away with either the possibility of being away a long time or even not
returning at all if killed in the war?
How would you explain
this to your family and justify your decision?
What are the key things
you would want to tell your family?
Use the information you recorded
yesterday – about Odysseus - to help you think about what he would write.
Use this purpose for writing grid to help you plan what you
will include in your writing.
Friday: Platonic shapes
Watch a part of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyvDG8qjt-M from
19mins:37secs to 23mins:14 secs (Feel free to watch the whole thing later, but you only
need this section for today’s maths.)
Here is a bit more detail about the properties
of the 5 platonic shapes: https://www.mathsisfun.com/platonic_solids.html
Choose one of the platonic shapes to
make using these nets. Decorate your shape according to the element it
represents. (I recommend decorating it before you put is together!)
Topic lessons
lesson 1. Who were the Ancient Greeks?
lesson 2. What can we learn from artifacts?
Watch the first 4:55
minutes of this video. You will see lots of ancient Greek artifacts that
belonged to soldiers. Through discovering these items (and many, many more
like them), historians have learnt about war during the Ancient Greek era.
For example, different types of helmet were found in different areas
indicating different styles worn by different city states. What is archaeology? use this video to understand how we can use artifacts to find out about people in the past.
Look at the photographs of artifacts. Choose
at least 3 of them to focus on. You could print them or look at them on the screen.
Make an accurate sketch of what you see. Then explain what you think it was
used for and what it tells us about the Ancient Greeks. You can use this sheet to record your responses,
or just use paper.
These questions might help with what to look
What made the Ancient Greek fighters so
How might their boats have attacked enemy
How was religion in Ancient Greece different to
Christianity or other religions?
How can we tell that a particular ruler was so
What can we learn about everyday life?
Art lesson:
make a mosaic.
Ancient Greek Mosaics portraits to make a mosaic of
Working to overcome anxiety:
At the moment lots
of us are spending our daily lives in ways we are not used to. For some this is
fine, some people are enjoying having more time to spend with their family.
However for some people this is very difficult. Some people are worried and
anxious about uncertainties, some are missing school friends and others are
finding life at home with all the family stressful – for all sorts of reasons.
Here are a few
activities that you may enjoy, or find useful, even if you aren’t feeling
Defining anxiety - a poster to help us try to understand anxiety.
Overcoming challengesfact file – about you! - this is for you to fill in. you could share it with your family if you choose.
https://www.childline.org.uk/toolbox/calm-zone/ -
this website has some useful techniques to help you relax and overcome stress
and anxiety (including yoga). |
Extra maths challenges if you need an extension activity choose from these: challenge 1 challenge 2
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