week 3 of home learning

Welcome to another week of learning! Like last week, we would like to see you completing: 1 Maths and 1 English lesson each day; 1 Science lesson per week and 2 other Topic lessons per week. The activities can all be copied onto paper, and therefore do not need to be printed. 

There are some new links at the bottom of the page – check them out. 

Daily Maths & English Tasks  
Monday 4th May 
White Rose Maths Hub: Summer Term – Week 3 (w/c 4th May) 
Lesson 1  Simplify Fractions 
Extension: Play ‘Keep It Simple’ on Education City. 
 Analysing setting and description lesson link
Extension task    (you could do this as an extra task or instead of activity 2)

Tuesday 5th May 
White Rose Maths Hub: Summer Term – Week 3 (w/c 4th May) 
Lesson 2  Compare and Order Fractions 
Extension: Play ‘Button Bashers’ on Education City. 
 Use personification in setting description today's lesson

Wednesday 6th May 
White Rose Maths Hub: Summer Term – Week 3 (w/c 4th May) 
Lesson 3  Add and Subtract Fractions 
Extension: Try the Fraction Lengths Investigation https://nrich.maths.org/12935 
 spelling/handwriting and free writing task! lesson link

Thursday 7th May 
White Rose Maths Hub: Summer Term – Week 3 (w/c 4th May) 
Lesson 4  Mixed Addition and Subtraction (Fractions!) 
Extension: Decide whether the following statements are always, sometimes or never true. Explain your reasoning. 
  1. The smaller the denominator the bigger the fraction. 
  1. An integer (whole number) can be expressed as a fraction by dividing by 1. 
  1. A proper fraction is a fraction where the value of the denominator is smaller than the numerator. 
 Reading task: Tell me no Lies by Malorie Blackman lesson link
Friday 8th May BANK HOLIDAY (Day off!) 

Weekly Tasks 
We learnt about light: how it travels, how shadows are formed, colour, etc. But we didn't find out how the eyes see! This lesson is for you to get creative in exploring how eyes work! 
Read through the VE Day Information and answer the questions on the VE Day Thoughts sheet. 
History/D.T or History/Maths 
Try one of the recipes from the Wartime Recipe Booklet. 
Use the Code Breakers sheet to practise using morse code to decode and code messages. 

Don't forget to reply to the email sent to your adults from your teacher. Also, we'd love to see some of the work you are doing – either by email (to your teacher) or upload to padlet https://padlet.com/cargyle/y6homelearning to share with year 6 adults and students. Equally, if you have any problems with accessing or understanding this learning please email your teacher. 

Useful links to other activities: 
Norwich Cathedral (R.E. & cross-curricular): www.cathedral.org.uk/visit/school-visits  

Practising French (or other languages): https://www.duolingo.com/ 


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