Home learning 11th May to 15th May

Congratulations – you have reached the Year 6 milestone: SATs week! Of course, we won’t actually be doing SATs papers, but to ‘celebrate’, we have included the option of doing some assessments, should you wish to see how well you could have done!* Perhaps you could challenge your adults to do them with you to see if they can score higher than you?
The assessments have been set for you through Education City. These can be found under ‘Classwork’ > ’MPS SATs week beg 11-5-2020’. The time limits range between 20 to 40 minutes but you are able to click through the questions at your own pace.
*Please note this is just for fun, not an accurate assessment of your ability.

Daily Maths & English Tasks
Monday 11th May
Choose between:
‘End of Year Assessment: Number, measurement, geometry, statistics, ratio and proportion’ on Education City
Find an old receipt for some shopping (you may need to ask an adult for this). Don’t look at the total!
Round each price to the nearest whole pound and find an estimated total. For example, if something costs £1.48 you’d round it to £1 and if something costs £1.76 you’d round it to £2.
What’s your estimated total for all the items? What was the actual cost of the shopping? What is the difference? How much higher/lower was the actual cost than your rounded estimate?
You’ll need these resources: Bronze    Silver/Gold    Extension puzzle     

Tuesday 12th May
White Rose Maths Hub: Summer Term – Week 4 (w/c 11th May)
Lesson 1 – Multiplying fractions and mixed numbers by integers
Click here for the worksheet and here for the answers.
Extension: Write and solve a similar question to Q9.
Choose between:
‘Punctuation & Grammar Assessment’ on Education City
Practice debating skills with these short activities: on Education City there is a reading task “vocabulary of debate” and an activity all about debating “debating skills” Please do all of these activities. (in: "classwork")

Wednesday 13th May
White Rose Maths Hub: Summer Term – Week 4 (w/c 11th May)
Lesson 2 – Multiply fractions by fractions
Click here for the worksheet and here for the answers.

Choose between:
‘Spelling Assessment’ on Education City
Homophones activity on Education City - "classwork". (you can play it online or print the activity sheet).

Thursday 14th May
White Rose Maths Hub: Summer Term – Week 4 (w/c 11th May)
Lesson 3 – Divide fractions by integers
Click here for the worksheet and here for the answers.

Choose between:
‘Summative Reading Assessment’ on Education City
Bitesize lesson: write a debate argument

Friday 15th May
White Rose Maths Hub: Summer Term – Week 4 (w/c 11th May)
Lesson 4 – Fractions of amounts applied in context e.g. money, measures etc.
Click here for the worksheet and here for the answers.

 Choose between: 
bbc bitesize reading lesson: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan.
Any of the lessons from earlier in the week that you didn’t choose.

Weekly Tasks
 This week we will look at inheritance. We have touched on this topic before and this is an activity to consolidate our learning. Go to Education City > classwork and carry out the activities called “Science of Inheritance”. There is a vocabulary activity, a “thinklet” - a question for you to try and answer in as much detail as possible. Then an activity to complete.
Extension task: have a look at this video. It outlines the ongoing debate among scientist about how much of our character is down to nature (biology) and how much is nurture (environmental). What do you think?

Look at a number of different geographical locations and environments. Think about your individual preferences for places to spend time anywhere in the world. Select a location and write an explanation of why you would choose to be in that chosen place and what you would enjoy seeing and doing there.
Take a walk around your local community to see how it is being affected by human behaviour. Take digital pictures of both positive and negative signs of activity such as car parking, litter, vandalism, graffiti, new planting and signs of new building.
Turn your images into a digital photo story, sorting them into constructive and destructive elements of your local environment and adding transitions, animations and text.
What could you do to improve your local area? How can you make a positive contribution?
Don't forget to reply to the email sent to your adults from your teacher. Also, we'd love to see some of the work you are doing – either by email (to your teacher) or upload to padlet https://padlet.com/cargyle/y6homelearning to share with year 6 adults and students. Equally, if you have any problems with accessing or understanding this learning please email your teacher.
Here is an optional extra creative project for you to check out – you might find it very interesting: https://www.howiseetomorrow.com/

Please click on the below link to view details of the fourth virtual challenge. This week it is an athletics challenge!

Lastly, don’t forget to continue reading daily and practicing your handwriting and times tables.


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