Week beginning 25th November 2019

Thank you to all of you who came to our assembly. We thoroughly enjoyed sharing the learning we have done so far this topic with you.

In Maths, we have been using diagrams to explore dividing fractions. We also learnt a little 'rap' to help us do this fluently: https://wes.nwcomplex.org/apps/video/watch.jsp?v=120450

In English, we have delved further into the story, explored how punctuation is used and conducted a debate to share our views on the characters' dilemmas.

We began our first session with Paddy, a life coach, during which we thought about powerful our words can be.

As scientists, we revised how fossils are formed and explored these played a role in the developing the theory of evolution. We did this by studying transitional fossils, making observations on the similarities and differences and making predictions about why features had stayed the same or changed.


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