Week beginning 11th November 2019

As part of Friendship Week, we looked at the book 'The Island' by Armin Greder. The children thoughtfully and maturely discussed the theme of prejudice and how to treat 'outsiders'.

As geographers, we have been using technology to research the human & physical features; the climate and animals of the Galapagos Islands. We used the information we had gathered to plan an expedition there.

In English, we have enjoyed how the plot of 'Journey to the River Sea' has developed. We created imaginative illustrations of how life with at the Carters compares to life in the huts; descriptive audio guides of Maia's journey to the lagoon and thoughtful letters in role to her friend in London.

As mathematicians, we have been looking at comparing, adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators. The children have been resilient and aspirational during our lessons this week but have realised that a good knowledge of times tables is essential skill when converting fractions to have the same denominator! Following the success of our free trial, we have purchased the program 'Times Tables Rockstars' which can be accessed on a computer or tablet. Please encourage your children to show you how it works!


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