Week beginning 28th October 2019

What a wonderful start to the term we have had! The children enjoyed being 'detectives' to discover that our topic will be 'Darwin's Delights'.

The children have immersed themselves in the learning we have done so far. We have plotted Charles Darwin's voyage on the HMS Beagle around the world and used longitude and latitude to pinpoint the locations he visited. We visited the common to collect plant samples and sketched them in detail as Darwin would have done. As botanists, we classified these based on their characteristics.

On Tuesday, we visited Banham Zoo. We focused on South American animals (like Darwin would have seen) and discussed how they have adapted to the needs of their native environments. The staff at the zoo led a session on evolution and we thoroughly enjoyed exploring this in a hands-on way.

In English, we have begun looking at our new text, 'Journey to the River Sea' by Eva Ibbotson.

In Maths, we have been discussing 'What is a fraction?' and the children used a range of resources to come up with their explanations. We looked at finding equivalent fractions and we were very impressed with the children's use of vocabulary and reasoning during this session.

Invitations for our learning café on Wednesday 6th November (9-10am) will be coming out today. We hope to see you there!


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