
Showing posts from 2019

Week beginning 9th December 2019

We have finished reading 'Journey to the River Sea' and enjoyed writing book reviews as well as comparing this book to others we have read. We excelled at sharing our opinions, using evidence from the text and including aspirational vocabulary. As mathematicians, we started the week by calculating with decimals. We have also mostly mastered the order of operations when completing longer number sentences. We have moved on to Position & Direction, focusing on co-ordinates in all four quadrants on a grid and performing translations. As scientists, we considered how artificial selection differs from natural selection. We explored this through looking at different breeds of dog. As historians, we reviewed our learning of our current topic, Darwin's Delights, and created a timeline to display the knowledge we have acquired. We have been continuing to practise our carols and are looking forward to sharing these with you next Wednesday morning.

Week beginning 2nd December 2019

Santa's arrival in school marked the start of December this week. We enjoyed writing letters to him explaining our good deeds this year; the special item we hope to receive and our goals for the new year. This week, we have also produced exceptional pieces of writing linked to 'Journey to the River Sea'. We produced incredible descriptions of the fire (in which Maia found herself trapped in at the end of Chapter 18) and wrote our own narrative pieces of what could happen to her and the Carters next. As mathematicians, we have concluded our work on fractions and have begun to think about decimals and the value of each digit in numbers up to 3 decimal places. In Computing, we have gathered images of our ancestors in preparation to create a morphing animation of the evolution of humans next week. As scientists, we have been focusing on inheritance. On Tuesday, we learnt about DNA and extracted this from strawberries. On Wednesday, we explored Gregor M...

Week beginning 25th November 2019

Thank you to all of you who came to our assembly. We thoroughly enjoyed sharing the learning we have done so far this topic with you. In Maths, we have been using diagrams to explore dividing fractions. We also learnt a little 'rap' to help us do this fluently: In English, we have delved further into the story, explored how punctuation is used and conducted a debate to share our views on the characters' dilemmas. We began our first session with Paddy, a life coach, during which we thought about powerful our words can be. As scientists, we revised how fossils are formed and explored these played a role in the developing the theory of evolution. We did this by studying transitional fossils, making observations on the similarities and differences and making predictions about why features had stayed the same or changed.

Week beginning 18th November 2019

As writers, we have been planning and creating our own spin-off adventure linked to our text, 'Journey to the River Sea'. As mathematicians, we have been learning to multiply fractions. We explored this by folding paper and shading diagrams. Here is Sam explaining his solution to a problem: As scientists, we focused on the marine iguana and researched how it has adapted to life on the Galapagos islands. As geographers, we looked at a map of the archipelago and began created our own scaled maps.

Week beginning 11th November 2019

As part of Friendship Week, we looked at the book 'The Island' by Armin Greder. The children thoughtfully and maturely discussed the theme of prejudice and how to treat 'outsiders'. As geographers, we have been using technology to research the human & physical features; the climate and animals of the Galapagos Islands. We used the information we had gathered to plan an expedition there. In English, we have enjoyed how the plot of 'Journey to the River Sea' has developed. We created imaginative illustrations of how life with at the Carters compares to life in the huts; descriptive audio guides of Maia's journey to the lagoon and thoughtful letters in role to her friend in London. As mathematicians, we have been looking at comparing, adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators. The children have been resilient and aspirational during our lessons this week but have realised that a good knowledge of times tables is essential skill when...

Week beginning 4th November 2019

Thank you to everyone who came to our learning café on Wednesday. We thoroughly enjoyed sharing our book with you and producing collaborative poetry linked to this. Back in class, we have continued to read more chapters, predicting what will happen to the characters along the way. We have also been writing dialogue, focusing on using speech punctuation correctly. In Maths, we have demonstrated excellent problem solving skills when using a bar model to calculate a total from a fraction of an amount. We have also worked on simplifying fractions and representing fractions on a number line. In Topic, we have been thinking about Darwin's observations of finches on the Galápagos Islands and how their beaks had adapted to their diets. We conducted an investigation into which 'beak' was best suited to different types of seeds then presented our results on bar graphs.

Week beginning 28th October 2019

What a wonderful start to the term we have had! The children enjoyed being 'detectives' to discover that our topic will be 'Darwin's Delights'. The children have immersed themselves in the learning we have done so far. We have plotted Charles Darwin's voyage on the HMS Beagle around the world and used longitude and latitude to pinpoint the locations he visited. We visited the common to collect plant samples and sketched them in detail as Darwin would have done. As botanists, we classified these based on their characteristics. On Tuesday, we visited Banham Zoo. We focused on South American animals (like Darwin would have seen) and discussed how they have adapted to the needs of their native environments. The staff at the zoo led a session on evolution and we thoroughly enjoyed exploring this in a hands-on way. In English, we have begun looking at our new text, 'Journey to the River Sea' by Eva Ibbotson. In Maths, we have been di...

Week beginning 14th October 2019

Thank you to everyone who came to our Art Gallery Exhibition on Wednesday. The children have worked very hard this half term to produce so many exceptional pieces and were delighted to share them with you. As writers, we have created our own narrative poems inspired by 'The Lady of Shalott' by Alfred Lord Tennyson. We were excellent at using old-fashioned vocabulary and developing the narrative in different ways. In the mornings, we have had our first exposure of the end of Key Stage 2 assessments (SATs). The children demonstrated excellent focus and resilience while completing the papers and have earned a relaxing and enjoyable break. Well done and enjoy half term!

works of art

In English: this week in class the children have carried on studying The Lady of Shalott . We've looked at other narrative poetry - some more modern than others - and learnt some difficult vocabulary. The children have been preparing to write their own narrative poetry and have been writing from the perspective of a character within the narrative. So far children have really engaged in this English topic and have risen to the challenge interpreting difficult texts. In topic: the children have also been creating their own works of art, this week, inspired by their recent investigations of different art movements, artists and artworks. You should have received and invitation to our year 6 art exhibition on Wednesday 16th October at 2:30pm . Please come along and talk to the artists about their work if you can make it. Work in progress! As mathematicians: we have been recalling prime numbers, making sure that we can find common factors and consolidating other numbe...

Week beginning 30th September 2019

This week in Year 6, we have begun to look at a new text in English. We introduced 'The Lady of Shalott' by Alfred Lord Tennyson by looking at artists' illustrations of the poem and inferring what it might be about - the children were excellent at spotting and interpreting hidden symbols and clues! We have been very proud of how they have tackled this challenging text and how they were able to use the old-fashioned vocabulary when creating their own story maps of the tale. We ended the week thinking about how the Lady of Shalott might feel seeing the outside world through and mirror and shall be using the ideas generated from this session in our work next week. In Maths, we have been looking at division. We worked collaboratively to practise our method for dividing by 1-digit numbers to complete a treasure hunt around the library. We then moved onto dividing by 2-digits, which the children have taken in their stride! They demonstrated excellent focus and res...

Week beginning 23rd September 2019

Year 6 have returned to school after an incredible week at Derbyshire where the children demonstrated how well-mannered and enthusiastic they are. Adults and students alike thoroughly enjoyed themselves. This week in class, as well as writing about the experiences we shared in Derbyshire, we have been using chromatography to investigate pigments used in felt-tip pens. In maths we have begun to learn the formal column method for multiplying up to 4 digits by 2 digits. The children have demonstrated excellent resilience as well as reflecting on and correcting their own learning.  Children have also been creating expressionist pictures of their own - based on The Scream by Edvard Munch. The task was to show a chosen emotion within a self-portrait.

Week beginning 9th September 2019

What a wonderful start to the year the children have had! We are extremely impressed with the role models they are becoming. We began our topic, Gallery Rebels, by researching famous pictures by artists of the 19th and 20th century and creating picture commentaries of these. This week, we have learnt about the colour wheel; primary, secondary, tertiary, complementary and harmonious colours and the artist Paul Klee. We have used his works as inspiration and applied our newly acquired knowledge to create our own artwork. The children demonstrated excellent focus when painting these. In Maths, we have been extending our knowledge of place value into the ten millions! We were experts at comparing and ordering these numbers and many of us have mastered rounding - demonstrating superb resilience and problem solving. In English, we have been looking at our whole school text - Grendel: A Cautionary Tale about Chocolate. The children have use this to help them create their own cautionary ...

Week beginning 3rd June 2019

During Maths this week, the children have been carrying out investigations about Number and have been using their mathematical knowledge to solve problems. In English, we have begun planning and writing newspaper articles about an event in WWII. There are no RED spelling words for this half term so the children have looked through all of the words which have been sent home this year and have selected some which they are not fully confident in spelling. These lists have been sent home with the children this week. In topic, we have begun planning and making items for our VE Day party on 19th June (1:30pm until 3pm). The children are making all manner of things to give our party the 1940s feel. I'm sure that you will have already seen the invitation which your child has made but - in case you haven't - please note that you are all invited to this celebration of the end of our topic. We are hoping that the party will have the same kind of 'community feel' as the parti...
We reverted to whole class maths lessons this week and the children have worked hard (and had a lot of fun), carrying out maths investigations. For our BODMAS investigation, some children chose to work independently, some worked in pairs and others worked in groups. The children really enjoyed this challenge and even wanted to carry on for a second lesson in order to get it completed.  In English, the children have almost finished writing their stories, set in WWII and they seem to be really enjoying it. We will be moving on to writing newspaper articles next - linked to a story line in Goodnight Mr Tom and also to an important WWII theme. We have told the children about a creative writing contest which requires the children to write a story in 500 words or less. I have suggested to the children that they might want to adapt the story which they have written in class and submit it to the contest.  In Topic, we have begun to plan for our VE Day street party which will be...
SATs Week This week in year 6, we have been sitting our SATs tests. On Monday we had SPaG Paper 1 (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and Paper 2 (a 20-word spelling test). Tuesday was the 1-hour Reading test. There were 3 pieces of text: The Park, The Bumblebee Fact File and The Music box. We had maths paper 1 and 2 on Wednesday, which were arithmetic and reasoning paper 1 and - on Thursday - it was the 2nd maths reasoning paper.  The whole class agreed that the tests were easier than expected due to hard work and commitment they have put in during the weeks and months before.  VE Day Celebration Look out for an invitation to our VE day celebration, which will be on 19th June. This will be a 'bring a plate' community party - just as it would have been in 1940. We anticipate having lots of guests and would like to request that - if you have any old bed sheets which would be suitable for use as a table cloth - please could we have/borrow them? Goodnight Mr Tom - the mov...

Week beginning 23rd April

This week, we launched our new topic - A Child's War - with a fantastic 'Evacuee Experience' on The Poppy Line in North Norfolk. At the beginning of the day, the children were met by the billeting officer who escorted them on the train to Holt. The train took the children through the countryside from Sheringham to Holt, passing through Weybourne station. On arrival at Holt, the children took part in a range of activities including: Training to spot a variety of planes (German and British) with a member of staff from the Observation Corps Household chores in a 1940's house Making their own lunch from a variety of foods (some of which were rationed) and  A workshop giving lots of information about gas masks It was a great day, which the children thoroughly enjoyed and one which has given them a real insight into how it felt to be a 1940's child.  On Tuesday of next week, the children will be going swimming in the afternoon. Some of them will be attend...

Week beginning 1st April

Most mornings (and one afternoon) this week were taken up with practise SATS tests and the children have responded incredibly well. On Monday afternoon, they had a SPaG and spelling test and on Tuesday morning they had a reading test followed by Maths Paper 1. We gave them a rest on Wednesday and finished off on Thursday with Maths Papers 2 and 3.  On Tuesday afternoon, the children took part in a lovely science investigation based on Darwin's observations of the Galapagos finches. The children used a variety of implements (such as tweezers, tongs and pliers) to pick up a variety of seeds and observed which implements were most suited to the task. This investigation was linked to adaptation and the survival of the fittest.  In English, the children have been working hard at writing their stories, based on the novel 'Journey to the River Sea'. Whilst some of the children have finished their stories, some have chosen to finish these off at home over Easter. It's lov...
Good afternoon all Year 6 parents. It is our maths cafe tomorrow morning - Friday 29th March. We look forward to seeing you all from 9.00am to 10.30am.  We will be using the year 6 base for our cafe so come and find us by using the cookery room door. A forward look: Next Tuesday, Snow Leopards will be undertaking a science investigation that will require tweezers, pliers, kitchen tongs, chopsticks and such similar items. If you have any of these at home, please could your child bring them in for Tuesday. Thank you.

Week beginning 18th March

We've had a lovely week this week. On Wednesday, we drew detailed maps of the Galapagos Islands. Our maps included a scale so that, on Friday (tomorrow), we can do some cross-curricular maths work, calculating distances between the islands. Last week we carried out a science investigation in which we extracted the DNA from strawberries. The children really enjoyed this investigation and worked well, collaboratively. Since then, we have used ICT to type up our investigations. This was a nice way of practising our word processing skills. Below are some photographs of the children carrying out their investigation. In maths, we have been calculating perimeter, area and volume. In English we continue to read Journey to the River Sea and writing in role as the main character. In PE we have been developing movements which depict a variety of animals. We are doing this to The Carnival of the Animals. 
Our revision groups have been going very well since starting three weeks ago. The children have been applying their knowledge and skills in a range of different situations in order to secure their understanding. The children in Miss Savory's group particularly enjoy the ' Round the Room' activities, where they can work collaboratively to solve problems.